User Service Policy
This User Service Policy (this “Service Policy”) sets forth important information about Televend Services, Inc. d/b/a FaxScan24’s (“FaxScan24”) self-service public fax and scan services (the “Services”).
The Services
When you submit, transmit, or otherwise deliver data, information, materials, and documents (each submission, transmittal, or delivery, a “Transmittal”) via the Services, electronic copies of Transmittals are sent to FaxScan24’s secure server, where they are immediately redirected and sent to your intended Transmittal recipient. Additionally, each Transmittal is stored in FaxScan24’s secure server for 30 days, before being automatically and permanently deleted. During that 30-day period, you may log-in to the portal on FaxScan24’s website – (the “Website”) – to check the status of a Transmittal, resend a Transmittal, scan a Transmittal to email, or check your fax card balance and history.
Administrative and Technological Security
FaxScan24 maintains strict standards and protocols with respect to the security of its server and Website and the encryption of user Transmittals through both. Although FaxScan24 is not a “covered entity,” as that term is defined in Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), FaxScan24 is administratively and technologically compliant with, and generally adheres to, HIPAA’s Safeguards Principle concerning reasonable administrative and technological safeguards and practices that should be taken to prevent the unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of individually identifiable health information.
Physical Security and Use of the Services in Public Spaces
However, as a user of the Services, please be advised that your use of FaxScan24’s Services may occur in a public place such as a library, university or college, or other high-traffic public facility. In using the Services or accessing the Website in any public space, each and every user acknowledges that there are inherent risks in transmitting or disseminating individually identifiable health, financial, or other personal information in public spaces, including the risks associated with misdialing fax numbers, sending materials to an unintended recipient, having an unintended recipient retrieve materials from either end of a Transmittal, and any connectivity failure concerning any Services equipment.
Accordingly, because a user’s use of the Services and Website are subject to physical security practices outside of FaxScan24’s control, FaxScan24 makes no representation concerning the operational and physical security of the sites or locations where the Services may be utilized or Transmittals made, and expressly disclaims any liability arising from any user error, or concerning the operational or physical security of the sites or locations where the Services may be utilized or Transmittals made.
Dated: January 20, 2020